Letting Go

One of the reasons why people get so sentimental is that memories are the only thing that don't change... when everything else does..There are things in your life you cannot hold forever, no matter how much you fight for it. Sometimes destiny isn't always good, it becomes playfull.Like when you met someone you learned to love and cherish, you thought it was destiny that made your paths cross. But what if making your paths cross is just a game that the playful destiny creates?Making you realise in the end that the person you thought that was destined for you, wasn't really meant to stay...
but only destined to make you feel loved and leave you when you've already fallen.
It's not easy when you decide to leave. Some might think it's just an excuse.. some might not actually believe.. some will blame you, some might even be mad at you..
but what they don't see is the fact that it hurts you more to hurt someone who doesn't deserve to be hurt...
especially when you can't state the reason why you have to leave...
You can never own something thats not yours.. so let's stop gripping onto things we expect to last forever...
Nothing lasts forever.. forever is a lie.. everything is transitory.

Someday we'll all be looking back on those days we learned to love, to fight, to get hurt n to cry. Maybe when that time comes, we'll be laughing at our old dumb selves .. realising how stupid we were to stand up for things we knew weren't really meant for us.

So while you might have somehting in your hand, put it in mind that it's just borrowed...
So that one day when it's gone, it won't take you eternity to let it go...
Friendship and love can sometimes be magic.. but magic can sometimes be an illusion..
What's important is to learn from our experiences, yet not let our experiences whether good or bad define who we choose to become.

Remember..You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.


Life can not be summed up by mere words...
No consolation can be a balm or ease away the pain of someone going away from your life n whoever said 'Time is a big healer'..perhaps did not experience the sheer agony of it that i am assured of..
Sometimes pain can be so deep that it can stay with you forever n forever does exist!

August 2, 2011 at 10:22 PM  

Accidentally stumbled here, and this post hit home. completely and truly the way I felt thanks to an experience I had on friday. i even blogged about it, on similar lines: http://haathitime.com/2012/05/18/picking-up-and-moving-on/

i couldnt agree with you more..this was really well put..

May 21, 2012 at 11:19 AM  

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